10 years ago
5 years ago
Tickets General
Tickets Handbook
Before You Install
Tickets is written in PHP 5.3 and uses a MySQL 5 database. Tickets is a Web Application that must be installed on a Web Server.
System Requirements
- MySQL 5+ with 1 empty database
- PHP 5.6+ (PHP 5.4 is now recommend as Tickets 5.3+ will require PHP 5.4, Tickets 7.5+ will require PHP 5.6)
- PHP PDO and PHP PDO MySQL Extension
- PHP Mcrypt Extension
- PHP Hash Extension
- PHP able to write files to the installed directory
- Apache 2 with Rewrite Module
- A Web Browser that supports HTML5/Javascript (for the client)
- Outbound SMTP and POP3 ports allowed (for email notifications, email downloading and email replies).
Common Questions
- Copy the unzipped contents of the downloaded zip file to a public location on your web server (often called public_html). You can install Tickets in a folder on your existing web hosting or setup a new subdomain.
- Create an empty MySQL database (most hosting provides a control panel that allows you to do this).
- Ensure your PHP install can create files (for config.php to be created during the install).
- Run http://tickets.example.com/install/ from your local web browser.
- Follow the installer steps.
- Backup your MySQL database and user/settings/config.php file.
- Setup a process to visit http://tickets.example.com/cron/ every 5 minutes (more info below in the CRON section).
Common Questions
- I get a 404 or 500 error after a successful install when I try and login.
- I get a blank page after a successful install when I try and login.
- I see a number of notices or warnings after a successful install.
- How do I setup the CRON process?
Tickets has many options for customisation. Some are built in and some are done through plugins or minor code changes. Here is a list of the common ones.
- Creating a custom language file (and downloading pre-made ones).
- Adding a custom logo to the top left of the menu.
- Changing your email notification templates using pre-defined tokens.
- Customising the columns on the ticket index page (advanced, not supported).
- Here is a list of sample code that you can use to bulk add users, use the API and more.
- Authenticating to external databases
- Writing your own plugins
- A list of all the plugins already written
Moving Server
- Take the website off-line so no changes can be made by users (for example uses an htaccess/htpasswd setup)
- Disable the CRON script
- Change the domain and/or script in Settings -> General (if it is going to be in a different place/domain)
- Backup the database (using phpmyadmin or mysqldump as an example)
- Restore the database on the new server (again using a program above)
- Copy over all your files (and include the files storage path if that was not under your tickets install folder)
- Edit the .htaccess file of your Tickets install is in a new path
- Edit user/settings/config.php to point to the new database server (if hostname or password etc are different)
- Update file storage path (if different on new server) in Settings -> General
- Setup CRON again
- Done