2 years ago

2 years ago

BluetraitIO Release Notes


Company View Permissions + Link Passwords & More

We are pleased to release the next version of BluetraitIO


  • + New Company View permission. You can now create permission groups with the "Msp View Company" task. This allows users to only view agents in their assigned company. Running scripts and various other features are disabled/hidden, currently for viewing agents only.
  • + Unused agent services are now pruned in the database for improved speed e.g Contact Data_<xxx>, Bluetooth User Support Service_<xxx> etc.
  • * Various fixes to sorting columns in tables so that they sort more correctly
  • * Job wizard fix to folder argument
  • - Backend improvements when storing network discovery results (for future use) 


  • + You can now link passwords to agents (and these links are now displayed on both view msp and view password pages).
  • * Fixes to favoriting passwords (sometimes they did not display in the menu bar)


  • + Split ticket feature
  • + You can now link Tickets to Agents


  • * Search fixes when exporting invoices
  • + View product assignment history


  • + Secondary phone number added to user profile