11 years ago
8 years ago
MrP General
MrPassword Release Log
+ New Feature * Bug Fix - Other Change
Version 4.0
- + New default theme (Dark).
- + Export Passwords (this feature does not support history, shares or global categories).
- + Delete Global Categories
- + Force update even if already on current version (useful if the first upgrade didn't work correctly or a file has been damaged).
- + Date and Date Time type Global Custom Fields
- - Theme system now the same as Tickets 6.2.
- - Upgraded to Bootstrap 3.3.4.
- - Removed old Standard and Bootstrap 3 themes.
- - Upgraded HTMLPurifier to version 4.7.0.
- - Upgraded small parts of the framework.
- - Migrated codebase to internal git server (from svn).
Version 3.1
- + File Attachment Support (!!FILES ARE NOT ENCRYPTED!!, also this feature does not support history, shares or global categories).
- + Show Category in password list.
- + Sort by Category.
- + You can now search logs.
- + You can now filter logs per user.
- + Name of user is now displayed next to logs.
- - Switched to wide layout.
- - Upgraded to Bootstrap 3.1.1.
- - Upgraded HTMLPurifier to version 4.6.0.
- - Upgraded JQuery to version 1.11.
- - Upgraded Chosen to version 1.1.
- - Framework Upgrades.
- * HTML bug fixes and improvements.
- * PHP Notice/Warning fixes.
Version 3.0
This is the last version to support the standard theme.
- + All new responsive interface using Bootstrap 3.
- + Custom JSON Authentication for use with external systems.
- + Chosen select dropdown library added (Bootstrap theme only).
- * Bug fixes to Global Category Administration (not all admin users could edit existing categories).
- - Fixes to some missing language translation tokens.
- - Minor improvements to the plugins page.
- - Improved event logging for failed authentication for LDAP accounts.
Version 2.1
- + Global Categories for storing passwords.
- + Auto Updater System.
- + Option to enable Anti-Spam Captcha for Login and Forgot Password pages.
- - Improved password encryption system (for users upgrading please read this article).
- - Upgraded HTMLPurifier to version 4.5.0.
- - Upgraded JQuery to version 1.9.1.
- * Fixes to some PHP notices.
Version 2.0.1
- + You can now edit custom field values on the edit password page.
- - Set LDAP timeout to 5 seconds.
- * Bug fixes.
Version 2.0
- + Language Translation Support (through a single file).
- + Timezone Support
- + User Search
- + Auto prune old logs after 100,000 logs (once a week).
- + Auto database optimise (once a month).
- + Plugins Support
- + Global Custom Fields
- + Anti-Spam Captcha (for user registration).
- + Welcome Email when creating new users.
- + LDAP Authentication Support (tested with OpenLDAP 2.4.31-1ubuntu2)
- - Improved Installer
- - Upgraded JQuery to 1.8.2
- - Upgraded adldap to 4.0.4
- * MySQL strict mode fixes when using Active Directory.
- * Fixed password history display order.
- * Fixed PHP strict notices.
Version 1.7.1
- * Now installs when MySQL strict mode is enabled.
Version 1.7
- + Password Search
- + Paging and Filtering Logs
- - Passwords are now ordered by name
- - Interface Tweaks
- * Minor bug fixes and updates.
Version 1.6
- + Updated Interface (now the same design as Tickets 1.5).
- + Update Checker.
- + Profile Page (to allow users to change password when logged in).
- + Cron System (used for session garbage collection and updated checker).
Version 1.5
- + Password History now stored for all passwords
- + Automatic Date Added and Update values for passwords.
- + SMTP Support (only used/needed for Forgot Password at this stage).
- + Default URL Field has been added (and clickable when a URL is inserted).
- + Forgot/Reset Password.
- + HTML Purifier on Message output, Login Message and Logs for increased security.
- * HTML Fixes to Installer.
Version 1.4
- + Updated Interface (now the same design as Tickets).
- + User Registration (disabled by default).
- - Framework Update (to match the latest improvements and changes from Tickets).
Version 1.3
- + When sharing a category you can now allow another user permission to add and edit passwords in that category.
- + You can now set a message to be displayed on the login page.
- * Bug fixes.
- - Minor tweaks and improvements.
Version 1.2
- + Passwords now hidden by default with an ajax show password link instead.
- + Unlimited number of custom fields for Passwords.
- + After login you are now taken to the page requested.
- + Account failed login protection (enabled from settings page).
- * Fixed bug where IE users were unable to login.
- - Minor tweaks and improvements.
Version 1.1
- + Active Directory authentication now supported.
- * Minor Fixes.
Version 1.0
- Released.