5 years ago

5 years ago

Timesheets Documentation


Adding a Timesheet

Users can create and modify their Timesheet at any time up until it is Submitted.

Once the Timesheet has been submitted, it can be reviewed and approved by an administrator.

How to fill out your Timesheet

  1. Click the "Add Item" button on the left hand side of the page
  2. Fill out all applicable fields. Note: The "Date" field will be automatically set to today's date, so you may have to change this if adding an item for another day
    1. If adding mutiple lines at once, click the Clone button on the right hand side of the line, which is marked by the 2 sheets of paper
    2. To remove a Line Item, click the Cross button on the right hand side of the line
  3. Once you are satsified with the line item you have added, click the Save button on the left hand side of the page
    1. This will save the Line Items you added, but the Timesheet can still be added to or modified later
  4. At the end of your organisations' billing cycle, you may Submit by pressing the button at the top-left hand side of the page
  5. After Submitting your timesheet, it will no longer be able to be edited.
    1. You may now start a new Timesheetthe timesheet by pressing the button on the left hand side of the page

Tip: To quickly add a new Timesheet Line Item, navigate to Timesheets > Single Timesheet in the Sidebar. This is also the recommended method for adding Line Items on mobile devices as it is a more distraction free interface.