5 years ago
5 years ago
Billing Documentation
Billing Settings
General Settings
Tax Number (e.g. ABN) Text
- Tax Number is displayed on each Invoice/Quote
- Invoice LogoText (URL)
- Paste the URL of an image to be included in the header of each Invoice
- This image must be public and accessible on the internet at a static location
- Company InfoWYSIWYG
- Company Info is displayed at the beginning of the Invoice/Quote
- Quote Terms and ConditionsWYSIWYG
- Terms and Conditions will be appended to the Invoice/Quote
- Billing Guest PortalYes/No
- Allows Guest users to view Billing Quotes/Invoices
- Invoice TemplateDropdown
- Default
- Cover Page
- Timesheet
- Timesheet (inc Tax only)
- Eway EnabledYes/No
- Enables online payment for Invoices through Eway
Bank Details
- Display bank details on invoiceYes/No
- Bank NameText
- Bank Account NameText
- Bank BSB NumberText
- Bank Account NumberText
Billing Subscriptions
- Daily Auto EnrolmentYes/No
- Monthly Auto Invoice (on the first Monday of each month)Yes/No
- Monthly Client Product Summary Email (on the last Monday of each month)Yes/No
Sales Tax
To add a tax group, click the Add button.
To edit a tax group, click the link in the Name column.
- NameText
- PercentageText / Percentage
External IDText
- External ID for matching with XERO. Options are either
Other uptions here
- External ID for matching with XERO. Options are either
Invoices - Custom Fields
Adds Custom Fields to Invoices.
- NameText
- TypeDropdown
- Text Input
- A short Text Input box
- Text Area
- A large Text Area which allows multi line text content to be submitted
- Drop Down
- A drop down which allows users to select from a list of options
- If adding a Drop Down, you must add Options before Adding the Custom Field
- Date
- A text field which has a calendar selection popup
- Date & Time
- A text field which has a calendar selection & time selection popup
- Text Input
- EnabledYes/No
Quotes - Custom Fields
Adds Custom Fields to Quotes.
- NameText
- TypeDropdown
- Text Input
- A short Text Input box
- Text Area
- A large Text Area which allows multi line text content to be submitted
- Drop Down
- A drop down which allows users to select from a list of options
- If adding a Drop Down, you must add Options before Adding the Custom Field
- Date
- A text field which has a calendar selection popup
- Date & Time
- A text field which has a calendar selection & time selection popup
- Text Input
- EnabledYes/No
Products - Custom Fields
Adds Custom Fields to Products.
- NameText
- TypeDropdown
- Text Input
- A short Text Input box
- Text Area
- A large Text Area which allows multi line text content to be submitted
- Drop Down
- A drop down which allows users to select from a list of options
- If adding a Drop Down, you must add Options before Adding the Custom Field
- Date
- A text field which has a calendar selection popup
- Date & Time
- A text field which has a calendar selection & time selection popup
- Text Input
- EnabledYes/No